“Creative memes with wit, flair and Gen-Z style”

“Creative memes with wit, flair and Gen-Z style”
Once upon a time
TikTok (who need no introduction unless you’re a citizen of Mars) wanted to power up their own content. Their vision was simple: to curate top videos from their platform and make them viral.
They needed Gen-Z humour. They needed creative flair. And they needed the social media expertise to get them there.
Help was at hand
And that’s where we stepped in. Each week, TikTok handed over their top videos to us and we created conceptual meme decks with oomph. We wrote five to six caption variations for each video to allow them to split-test and decide which concept worked best.
Writing memes is challenging, like any form of short copy. But we drew on all our wit and every ounce of imagination to grip the attention of TikTok’s Gen-Z audience. Think of a praying mantis dancing to “Club Can’t Even Handle Me Right Now”.
The day was saved
- With super-creative captions for viral videos and memes
- Witty, tongue-in-cheek copy tailored to Gen-Z humour
- Tried and A/B tested copywriting solutions for the TikTok generation
And they lived happily ever after
- With supercharged video shares and virality
- Copy that matched their target audience’s mood
- A massive boost in user engagement
What They said
Huiwen Li – Marketing Specialist – Tik Tok/ ByteDanceOur team loves the decks! Some of the copies are ‘super funny and relatable, lol’, according to one of my colleagues.
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We’ve created copy and content for industries across the board. From marketing to matchmaking. Finance to fishing. IT to ice cream.
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