
Your copywriting career starts here (with this 50% discount)

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Hungry to master the art and science of copywriting? To have your hand held through the ins and outs of growing a successful freelance copywriting business? To get 10 years of real life industry secrets spoon-fed to you (by a world-renowned copywriting agency), so you don’t have to scour the web for half-baked information anymore?

Excellent news. You sound like the perfect fit. And we have just the right spoon.

Join our academy (we’re growing copywriters)

We’re about to launch our brand new Online Copywriting Academy. And if you pre-subscribe today you’ll get 50% off tuition and the chance to learn;

  • how to think, write, research and behave like a successful copywriter,
  • how to create, run and grow a successful freelance copywriting business – which could earn you a six figure salary.
  • how to convince and convert customers using techniques and secrets passed down by the world’s top copywriters,
  • how to set yourself up, brand yourself and market yourself as a freelance copywriter,
  • how to pitch to and win business from clients of all sizes (from local businesses through to global giants like Adidas) from the comfort of your living room,
  • how to get recurring business from agencies (like us!),
  • how to manage your time and nail your work-life balance,
  • research strategies, copywriting formulas, sales psychology, hard-hitting conversion copywriting,
  • brand copywriting, SEO copywriting, sales copywriting, direct-response copywriting, ad copywriting, social media copywriting – and so much more!
  • Those who complete the curriculum will be awarded a certificate of completion!

Yes. It’s just around the corner. And we want to make sure you get first dibs.

Don’t miss the boat, get 50% off your course

Chuck in your name and email address (below) now and you’ll get updates about the academy and first priority access as soon as it’s live – plus the 50% discount. No catch. No commitment.

Let’s start carving out your copywriting career today.

Pre-subscribe today (it’s free)

  • We use MailChimp as our marketing platform. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to MailChimp for processing. Learn more about MailChimp’s privacy practices here.

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