
Your ultimate guide: Why marketing matters (and how to get your boss on board)

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“Oh, must be fun playing around on socials all day.”

“I’d love to get credit for just making things look pretty.”

“Marketing? You just spend money on ads and parties!”

Sound frustratingly familiar? 

Welcome to the club (and lemme tell you, it’s a BIG one).

Just like the overlooked middle child of the family, bias towards marketing is real.

Maybe you’re seen as the “bonus team”, solely there to make the company look good. Maybe everyone else thinks they can do your job.

Or maybe your boss just simply doesn’t “get” marketing. 

A recent study says that only 20% of CEOs say they trust their marketing departments

But contrary to popular boss belief, customers don’t appear in a puff of magical smoke. 

Ask Nike. Microsoft. Google.

Problem is, if your marketing efforts are overlooked you’re not getting the budget, staff, or respect you need – and deserve – to do your job.

And for B2B marketers to get heard, you’ve got an even more treacherous mountain to climb. You’ve got more stakeholders to convince, including a board or, even worse, a head of sales.

And all this can lead to lack of confidence, imposter syndrome and, at worst, a bit of gaslighting thrown into the mix.

But we believe in you. 

We know that marketing is a crucial cog in your company – especially when revenue is down.

So we’ve put together this guide to help you get your marketing mojo back.

You’ll get:

  • The confidence you need to formulate a persuasive argument and get your boss on board with marketing – for good
  • To learn the true power of a winning content strategy
  • A brilliant, bold voice ready to spread the true value of marketing far and business-wide

Why your boss thinks marketing doesn’t matter

(Because it does goddammit) 

Let’s face it: 

Marketing misconceptions are maddening – and many.

Here are some reasons why your boss/senior management/sales team/canteen manager just can’t get on board with your marketing efforts:

“Marketing? Tried that before. Doesn’t work.”

What can we say? It’s like a “flat-Earther” theorist. 

You may not believe in our spherical planet. But if you stick to the “same old belief” without challenging yourself, you’ll never make true progress.

Your boss’s disbelief in the value of marketing could be down to:

  • Previous bad experiences
  • Not being up to speed with modern ways to connect with your audience
  • Risk aversion and reluctance to try new marketing strategies 

But the fact is, if you write off marketing, it will hurt your bottom line. 

“Social media? Let’s just write a press release and post it on our website.”

Your boss is old-school. They think that:

  • Social media doesn’t make money
  • It’s not secure
  • It’s built for entertainment, not for business

But it’s vital in the digital world of today (and a crucial part of your marketing machine).

“A new campaign? Nice idea. But we don’t have budget……not right now.”

Not. Right. Now.

Heard that one before?

Of course, cost-cutting is big on the agenda of most companies. But like the odd sock in your laundry basket, marketing always seems to be at the bottom of the pile,

Main problem? Many CEOs see marketing as a cost centre instead of a superhero-like investment set to swoop in, bringing leads, customers, and revenue with it. Day saved.

“OK, here’s the budget for ONE email. If that works, then we’ll see.”

Here’s the story:

  • Boss agrees to a limited budget for a one-off email
  • Campaign has little or no effect because it’s isolated 
  • Confirms view that marketing is a waste of time and money

The end.

Fact is, every piece of content and copy should be part of a rock-solid strategy. And if the boss is solely focusing on short-term sales? They’re missing out in a BIG way.

“Marketing? It’s just sales isn’t it?” 

Oh this one. It pops up as often as a funny cat video on the internet.

And it’s a tough one to take, right? Because it’s such an old-school train of thought. 

But yep, the truth is many bosses see marketing (and therefore copywriting and content)  as sales or that it’s simply a support for sales and sales literature.

Trouble is, they’re failing to see the strategic aspect of marketing: understanding your customers’ needs, long-term value, creating demand. (I’ll talk more about this later.) 

Listen up: Modern marketing is NOT sales

You want to plant a pretty – and profitable – garden.

But you’re not going to get full-bloom, flourishing flowers (and a steady stream of paying customers) straight off the shovel.

First you’ve got graft to do: Prepare the soil, plant the seeds. Give them water, light, and nutrients. All the things that your little seeds need to grow into the robust revenue-drivers you want them to be.

Then, at the right point, you spread awareness of your offering, attracting potential buyers with enticing promises of what’s to come. 

That’s marketing.

Then sales can jump in. Make direct contact with your prospects, charm the pants off them, and seal a deal as sweet as a rose.

See? Sales and marketing go hand in hand, and can work together to run a successful business.

But there’s a big difference: They sit in different parts of the marketing funnel.

Let’s take a look at how they measure up: 

What’s similar? What’s different?
Big picture Both drive customer conversions and boost revenue. MARKETING: Most just focus on the top and middle of the funnel, nurturing clients to the point of SQL conversion. But we believe marketers should be looking at the entire customer journey from ToFu all the way to AfFu (after funnel customer marketing).

SALES: Sales tends to just handle the bottom of the funnel, persuading prospects to seal the deal. 
Daily grind Both aim to satisfy the needs of your customers. MARKETING: Wide-reaching actions like email marketing campaigns, content strategy, or brand ambassadors to reach a broad audience.

SALES: One-on-one contact with leads, including in-person meetings, product demos, or networking to meet new customers in person. 

Team/roles Both teams structured to hit targets and profits. MARKETING: Marketing teams may include roles like creative copywriters, graphic designers, social media specialists, content strategists, and SEO managers. They’re all about driving demand, priming customers ready for sales to step in and do their thing.

SALES: A solid sales rep has confidence, charm, and on-point communication skills. They’ve got to know how to pitch a product, be bang on brand, and use their charm to close the deal.

What marketers actually do

Steve Jobs wasn’t a tech guy. He was a marketing guru. And now look at Apple.

There’s a lot more to marketing that meets the eye.

You’re often:

  • Campaign planners
    Designing marketing campaigns to drive sales, engagement, or brand awareness.
  • Market researchers
    Analysing market trends, customer behaviour, and competitors to make strategic (and smart) decisions. 
  • Brand managers
    Making sure every piece of marketing out there is consistent with your brand across all channels.
  • Creative brainstormers
    Generating interesting and awesome ideas for campaigns, content, and marketing tactics.
  • Content creators
    Developing engaging content for a whole ton of platforms to bring in leads and nurture them towards conversion. Oh, and not to mention SEO. 
  • Social media managers
    Crafting and posting social media content, engaging with followers to promote customer interaction.
  • Email marketers
    Creating email campaigns designed to nurture leads, provide value to subscribers, and promote your products/services.
  • Budget managers
    Monitoring, adjusting, and generally keeping a handle on marketing budgets.
  • Data analysers
    Analysing data across different platforms to see which campaigns are working (and what’s not).
  • Performance reporters
    Putting together invaluable reports showing marketing metrics and campaign progress to stakeholders.
  • Event planners
    Organising and managing marketing events like webinars, conferences, and product launches.

And this is just a small snapshot. Marketing is rarely a single job but encompasses a whole ton of different expertise needed to get the job done.


You know that copy and content is vital for your business. But you want your boss to know it too.

Maybe your boss:

Thinks marketing is a one-size-fits-all role

Underestimates the benefits of clever, creative copywriting

Overemphasises visuals and design

Misunderstands the role of content in marketing strategy

Your boss may expect you to write all the copywriting and content – but not everyone is a copywriter.

And successful copywriting and content is a delicate balance of art and science. 

To see real results you need clever content, which means using proven tools, compelling formulas, and systematic strategies.

Here’s what a content and copywriting agency will bring to your table: 


It’s a sad fact, but so few companies are successful with their content strategy.

And a company without a solid content strategy is like a gourmet kitchen without a master chef.

The ingredients are there, but without the expertise to whip up a mind-blowing dish you’ll end up with something that’s as off-putting as a sad piece of wilted lettuce. 

Content marketing, when done right, bridges gaps. Builds trust between a brand and consumer. And best of all, sky-rockets your revenue through the roof.

But there’s one big thing to remember: Your customers are at different stages of awareness. 

which is where full-funnel marketing enters the picture.


Just 3% of people are actually in buying mode at any given time.

And considering that customers don’t like to be sold to? That makes selling to them kinda tricky. 

Add to that that your prospects are often at completely different stages of how aware they are of you and what you have to offer.

No more “hit-and-hope” strategy. You can’t send out one blanket email and expect results. 

A full-funnel content strategy targets buyers at every stage of awareness, providing value across every touchpoint.

If you’re too focused on grabbing leads and pushing your prospect too hard to convert, it’s like proposing on the first date, scaring them away, straight into the open arms of another potential flame (i.e., your competition).  

You’ve got to nurture your prospects. 

Wine and dine them. Stop talking about yourself. Listen to what they’re saying.

Only then can you make it official, get the big fat yes you want, and enjoy a lifelong, loyal relationship. Congrats, you lovebirds.


Full Funnel Content Strategy - The Creative Copywriter

You can typically split your prospects up and file them under one of these five stages: 

  • Unaware: Your audience is unaware that they have a problem.
  • Problem-Aware: They know that they have a problem, but aren’t aware of any solutions.
  • Solution-Aware: They are aware of some solutions, but they’re not aware of YOU.
  • Brand-Aware: They know about your offering, but they aren’t sure if it solves their problem.
  • Most Aware (Offer-Ready): They are fully informed of your offering and they’re on the cusp of buying. 

But our marketing funnel involves the introduction of our very own stage of awareness from our content marketing methodology: Truth-Aware! Forming the AfFu part of the marketing funnel (after-sale). 



The concept of the flywheel is simple.

It’s all about creating demand.

Think of it like a bike wheel. The more you pedal, the faster it goes. 

Here’s the deal: A customer who loves your brand is like a walking billboard. They’re out there, hyping you up to everyone they know, often with just a quick share or mention online.

In marketing, happy customers are your pedal power. They’re what keep your business rolling forward.

The big question is, how do you keep the wheel spinning? 

It comes down to three things: 

  1. Attract 
  2. Engage
  3. Delight 

Making sure that you’re nurturing customers at every stage – especially AfFu (post-sale), and continuously engaging them with valuable content after their purchase.

And once you’ve got customers spreading the word about your product/service? They’ll not only come back for more but also bring all their (money-spending) friends with them.

And just like that, your business keeps picking up speed.


Your customers are searching for solutions.

But before your words can make an impact, you need to truly understand what makes them tick. So you gotta do your homework. 

You need the tools to get to know your audience’s pains. Buyer research that reveals their desires, barriers, and comparison factors. How they’re experiencing your brand along the buyer journey. 

That’s how you craft copy that hits the right spot – across every single touchpoint. 


The market is saturated with dozens of players – but they’re all saying the same repetitive, jargon-y, keyword-stuffed things.

Plus, with B2B products a lot of software has identical features, making it even harder to talk about your product/service in a different way.

Question is, how do you stand out, while still providing value to your customers?

→ With an in-depth competitor analysis to identify gaps in the market

→ Work out how other brands are saying it – so you can say it differently

→ Carve out differentiators to put you head and shoulders above the competition


So, there’s this sneaky little trend on the scene.

Where B2B companies are leaning hard on AI to churn out content. 

Sure, it seems like an easy solution for your content marketing. 

But here’s the kicker: It’s backfiring. Reading AI-generated stuff can sometimes feel like munching on bland cardboard.

Plus with Google’s Helpful Content Update (HCU) in the picture, your rankings are at risk of falling faster than Kanye West’s popularity after he said Adidas would never drop him (which they did in a hot second). 

The game changer? Bring in a creative copywriter. Let them sprinkle their magic, using AI for the heavy lifting, and watch your content sparkle and shine. 

Quick-fire tips for making a rock-solid marketing case 

1. See it through their eyes

Try to get to grips with your boss’s concerns.

Maybe they’re too focused on ROI. Maybe they’re reluctant to try new things. Maybe they’re a micromanager who wants to understand every little detail.

Once you understand who you’re dealing with, you can come up with a game-changing game plan.

2. Gather all the evidence

  • Use all the data you can: metrics, KPIs, ROI, customer acquisition costs, conversion rates, revenue growth… If your boss is data driven you’ll be going in there armed with data like rocket fuel, ready to blow their minds.
  • Highlight the benefits such as increased sales, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.
  • Clearly demonstrate how your marketing aligns with your company’s overall business goals.

3. Break it down

Not everyone speaks digital.

If you barge in and start talking about CTRs and algorithms you’re at risk of losing them straight off the bat.

Try to communicate in a way that speaks their language. 

Keep it simple: what you’re going to do, why you’re going to do it, and how it’s going to help.

4. Offer a test phase

Test, test, and more testing.

Maybe if your boss is hesitant about committing to a full-scale campaign, propose a smaller test phase with a limited budget.

Then, once you have the results, you’ll have a better argument going forward. 

Marketing: Ahhh, so it does matter, after all


We hope you’re feeling empowered, ready to go in there to show your boss, your company, and the entire world just how important marketing is. 

Our advice? 

Be patient. Be confident. And know your value. 

You’ve got this.

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About the author

Konrad Sanders CEO & Lead Strategist at The Creative Copywriter
Hey you. I’m Konrad. A full-funnel content strategist and CEO with a pretty darn creative noggin on my shoulders. I run a team of word-slinging cowboys and strategists who blend science with art to help bold brands get their words right at every step of the customer journey. Which means? They sell more stuff and grow predictable revenue. Brands like AECOM, Thomson Reuters, TikTok, Panasonic, Adidas, Mercedes-Benz, plus shedloads of tech scale-ups...and you? Let's connect.

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