
Why Neal Schaffer Called My Social Media Tactics ‘Aggressive’!

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Yikes I screamed excitedly, like a 1960s cartoon character.

The great Neal Schaffer – one of the Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers two years running – wants to meet up with lil ol’ me.

And I closed the email, with a boyish excitement splashed across my face.

Two weeks later – and there we were, in a rustic London pub, guzzling pints of lager and enthusiastically discussing how we might collaborate.

Neal introduced me to some awesome social media enthusiasts;

Liz Azyan from Digital Matchbox.

Ravi Shukle from ravishukle.com.

And Alex Conkleton from Rapport Service.

Then three or four pints later, he interviewed us for his latest Maximise Your Social podcast (of which the drunken ramblings you can find here (#67)).

But there was something that Neil had brought up a number of times over the course of this alcohol-infused evening.

Something that struck a nerve.

“Konrad’s great, but when it comes to social media, he’s a little too aggressive for me”

(Perhaps these weren’t his exact words, but as I said, the night was seasoned with English lager, which always makes my memory a little foggy.)

Aggressive? I thought to myself, somewhat taken aback.

Cheeky – yes.

Cocky. Most definitely.

Handsome. Well, that’s a given ?

But aggressive? … This could be something to worry about!

The statement struck an especially tender nerve due to the fact that the very same week, another one of my favourite social media influencers – the lovely Adrienne Smith – had said exactly the same thing.

Not once. But several times; in the comment thread of a blog post she’d knocked up, which had linked out to my article on influencer marketing.

Aggressive, Cheeky – Or Just Plain Smart?

Hang on!

If my social media tactics were so darn aggressive, how come Neal Schaffer had taken the time to meet me, interview me for his podcast and buy me a couple of tasty British beverages (although I got the first round, mind you). And why had the lovely Adrienne Smith given my blog a shout out?

In January this year I started my social media efforts from scratch. And by June 2014 – a mere 5 months later – I’d managed to have gotten:

So I must have been doing something right…


6 ever-so-slightly aggressive tactics that put me on the map

Now I don’t know their exact reasons. But I’m sure Neal and Adrienne will graciously let me know in the comment thread below (gulp).

In the meantime, I can certainly hazard a guess.

But before we delve in, make sure you have these 2 questions glued firmly to your mind;

Why did these tactics get me a name in the world of social media so darn fast?

Could any or all of these tactics work for you and your brand?

1. Being cocky

When I started following all the world-leading content marketersas they shared their wisdom to millions via stages and social media platforms, I thought to myself I can do that!

After all, they’re just people. And I’m a person.

Sure they’re seasoned experts. But I’m an expert too. And I think all of us are experts at something or other. (Yes, you too).

If you keep that in mind, and interact with influencers on a level playing field, you’ll quickly start to get noticed in social media circles.

Be cocky. Be brazen. Be confident.

It worked for me.

2. Asking influencers questions. Straight up

Here’s a little trick which works wonders. And it’s one of the reasons I caught Neal Schaffer’s eye.

As I delved into the world of social media and content marketing, questions naturally cropped up. As they will for you.

Whatever your industry.

So instead of endlessly searching Google for answers, and filtering through all the crap; I decided to simply ask the world-leading experts on the subject.

Straight up.

Not only do you get the best possible answer to your question, you also engage influencers in conversations and they start to notice you.

And when influencers start noticing you and then start sharing your content that’s when the magic happens. (Click to Tweet!)

Here’s an example:

3. Writing an edgy, in-your-face Linkedin profile summary

Most people use their Linkedin profile to talk a bit about their professional background, and list their skills and experience etc


I decided to smash that tradition in the face, and wrote a short imaginary (and somewhat aggressive) tale describing the awesome rewards the reader would reap after working with my team at The Creative Copywriter.

Have a read of it here.

4. Flirting with influencers

OK. This might be crossing the line a little.

But whether you’re actually flirting or just doing so metaphorically, the point I’m trying to make is;

Stand out. Be different. Be disruptive. (Click to Tweet!)

Otherwise you run the risk of being swallowed up by that vast ocean of competitors.

5. Telling people to share

After writing an epic post which I think a certain influencer will love, I tell them about it. And ask them (nicely) to share.

It’s a little aggressive, yes. And you definitely don’t want to overdo this.

But if you’ve built up a relationship with an influencer in your industry, AND you’ve helped them out by sharing their content, then I say; why not?

If they don’t read and share the post, no biggie. If they do; then that’s a heckload more potential traffic coming your way. Just make sure your blog post is worth sharing.

I know Neal would probably disagree with me on this point 🙂

6. Writing personalised blog posts (like this one).

Some might call this very post a little aggressive.


Challenging specific influencers views on topics related to your niche is a great way to perk up some ears.

In this epic influencer list post, Dino Dogan, the mastermind behind Triberr, explains why writing singlecast blog posts (for one person) is an extremely powerful tactic.

By writing for one, you end up attracting many (Click to Tweet!)

Will These Tactics Work for You?

Being cocky and flirtatious may well not be right for your brand identity. It could even be a little harmful.

But standing out, gripping attention and getting your voice heard above all that bloomin noise is definitely something EVERYONE should be shooting for.

As my buddy (and CEO of Business Scene) Warren Cass calls it, disruptive marketing is what businesses need to get ahead and thrive in today’s online jungle.


How can you make these aggressive social media tactics work for you?

And how else can you be disruptive and make a lot of noise?

Go think about it.

Then write your thoughts below!

Love you,



Want to seriously slay with your social media?

Download our FREE, in-depth eBook to learn the art and science of crafting a killer social strategy.

Want to seriously slay with your social media?

Download our FREE, in-depth eBook to learn the art and science of crafting a killer social strategy.

About the author

Konrad Sanders CEO & Lead Strategist at The Creative Copywriter
Hey you. I’m Konrad. A full-funnel content strategist and CEO with a pretty darn creative noggin on my shoulders. I run a team of word-slinging cowboys and strategists who blend science with art to help bold brands get their words right at every step of the customer journey. Which means? They sell more stuff and grow predictable revenue. Brands like AECOM, Thomson Reuters, TikTok, Panasonic, Adidas, Mercedes-Benz, plus shedloads of tech scale-ups...and you? Let's connect.

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Hey Konrad!
Nice post 😉
Yes, your tactics in social are aggressive, but as you say, it has generated results for you. This is because behind those tactics there is an intelligent and authentic person who anyone would love to spend a few hours in a London pub drinking with (NOTE: That was ALE, NOT lager that we were drinking 😉
I, as well as many others, appreciate your creative engagement. The challenge, though, is that what you do in social has to be authentic to who you are as a person or your business is as a brand. In that aspect, someone who reads this post and merely copies your tactics will not be nearly as effective as you were. Social = 1/2 science + 1/2 art, right? YOU are the artist my friend!
For instance, I’ve been asked some pretty targeted questions recently by a follower, but when I looked at their profile they were 1) working for a social media agency [why should I give away my IP for free?] and 2) all of their tweets were either asking social media questions to providers of social media dashboards or myself!!! Needless to say, although I might have answered the first question, I have ignored the rest.
Obviously the missing link to this is how much this social media engagement has resulted in increased business. Knowing you, I’d say it has – but for many that do engagement for engagement’s sake without a strategy and tactics that are unique to them, it will be very hard to replicate what you have done, my friend 😉
Keep you creative mojo flowing Konrad!

Cheers Neal!
I completely agree. Which is kinda my point at the end… different tactics work for different brands, and my ‘aggressive’ approach probably won’t be right for most. Although maybe a couple of the tricks I’ve used will.
Hopefully, though, I’ve encouraged people to think outside the box (excuse the cliché), to be disruptive, and to use influencer marketing to their advantage; however they decide to go about it.
But yes, personality and authenticity are crucial.
Cheers for dropping by mate. And for inspiring this post!

Great post and comment by Neal.
Konrad when you say be aggressive I think that’s a great tactic and some of the people who read it will definitely use it to good advantage but as Neal says you have to be authentic and true to yourself, if you’re not then it’s only a matter of time before your found out.
My wit is the thing that’s unique to me and I find I can sometimes say something on and offline that gets me into trouble. But I don’t mind as I have been a lover of disruptive marketing for a long-time now and more should try it. 😉
I also think it’s a great point that we ask influencers questions but I would rather engage in a conversation than ask questions, but that’s just because I like to know what makes them ‘tick’ and find out a little more of ‘what lies beneath’.
Great thought provoking post and could be the topic of conversation for months if not years to come.

My oh my Konrad! What a fabulous post! Thanks for the shoutout btw 😉 I had a blast meeting you and the rest of the gang. I think your results speaks for itself and there are some tactics here I might even have a go at trying. Kudos to you for putting yourself out there and creating an engaging community around you in a very short space of time. I have to say, I could never pull this off the way you have because I know no one will believe I’m that cocky! 😉 But you are being your authentic self and that is really a huge currency in the online world. Keep up the good work Konrad! I’m excited to see your star rising higher and higher!

Hi Konrad,
I subscribed to your blog out of sheer interest. My parent field is very remote from yours, rural development in areas so remote they are often devoid of telephonic connections, let alone internet. But now I’m moving away from that field, to try and become a marketing coach for women entrepreneurs in rural areas. Which is how I got interested in content marketing, SEO, online advertising, etc…..and how one fine day I came upon your blog.
I agree, everytime I come I can feel a tinge of agressivity, but…and that’s a big BUT, as I’m now reading for an MBA in Marketing as well as a Certificate in Copywriting, I have come to appreciate the desirability of a modicum of agressivity in a pro-blog. Indeed, everytime I visit your blog, I learn something new not only from the content but also from the way you present & market your blog, and this makes the takeaway experience a lot richer.
I have so far enjoyed reading your posts and hope to continue doing so for many years to come. In due course of time, I intend to start pro-blogging myself, applying many of the fine marketing lessons learnt from the way you address your readers. Agreed, authenticity and creativity, but fear not, you are amply endowed in these attributes.
As the French say, “Bonne Continuation!”
– Ram

Cheers Ram – I’m honoured that you can come to our blog and take away actionable value. I’m also glad you feel a tinge of aggressivity, because that makes me stand out – which is the aim of the game, right? Plus I’m starting to like being known as the ‘bad boy of social media’ (that’s a self-proclaimed title).
Thanks for these compliments; I’m blushing behind my laptop screen. And I’ll do my best to remain authentic, creative and to dish out valuable content for y’all every week.
Good luck with your marketing and copywriting endeavours!

Now, Konrad, I’ve been reading your posts for quite sometime now since I started interning at Access Leo Burnett-Nairobi Kenya. Shout out from this side of the Sub-Saharan 🙂 My two cents here would be-just like Neal said, honesty and being true to who you are whether online or offline is the catch. I imagine if Neal would have invited you for the lager or ale or whatever that was only to find you were such a timid guy who hides behind the keyboard. What a disappointment! In my short period here, I’ve learnt that being cocky especially in copywriting sets you apart especially in Africa where this industry is just taking off. I like being cocky in my copy because that’s who Riccky is. Keep the content flowing man. Africa is fetching.

Now, Konrad, I’ve been reading your posts for quite sometime now since I started interning at Access Leo Burnett-Nairobi Kenya. Shout out from this side of the Sub-Saharan 🙂 My two cents here would be-just like Neal said, honesty and being true to who you are whether online or offline is the catch. I imagine if Neal would have invited you for the lager or ale or whatever that was only to find you were such a timid guy who hides behind the keyboard. What a disappointment! In my short period here, I’ve learnt that being cocky especially in copywriting sets you apart especially in Africa where this industry is just taking off. I like being cocky in my copy because that’s who Riccky is. Keep the content flowing man. Africa is fetching.

Hey Riccky – thanks for your two cents mate!
As I just said to Ram, I really do feel honoured that you guys are reading our posts regularly and taking away something each time, even if it’s just a couple of giggles.
Keep up the cocky attitude. It gets you places. And I’ll do my best to keep the content flowing… been slacking the last couple of weeks as we’re going through a rebrand – which is going to be shit-hot! So watch this space 🙂

Hello Konrad,
Great piece! First time I have been exposed to your writing. Glad I was wearing shades! This is bright stuff! It’s great to hear such a strong voice in social media. I appreciate how you were able to turn a few beers with Neal and friends into a stellar event we could enjoy and profit from.

Hey Eric.
Thanks for your kind words mate, I appreciate them. And I only hope that every time I go for beers with friends, it can lead to such a valuable lesson (sadly, I doubt this will always be the case!)

This sounds intriguing! It’s always interesting to hear different perspectives on social media strategies. Sometimes, a more assertive approach can really drive results, but balancing it with authenticity is key. Thanks for sharing your experience—it’s a great insight into how different tactics are perceived!

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